Welcome to Rachelle Jamieson's Personal Fundraising Page
for Sophie and Madigan's Playground
2015 Disney Princess Half Marathon Weekend
$675 Raised / $650 Goal

Help Me Reach My Fundraising Goal
I recently signed up to do a half marathon at Disney World on February 22nd. Yes....Disney world and on top of that its a Disney Princess marathon. I am so excited and you all know how much I love Ariel. :) My sister and I are both competing and neither of us have ever done anything like this but it is on both of our bucket lists.

I never thought it my wildest dreams that I could ever accomplish something like this but I have been working hard and training to prove to myself that I can do this.

My sister and I decided that we also wanted to raise money for charities in the process. I came across a beautiful charity called "Sophie and Madigan's Playground".

Sophie and Madigan were two little girls who died tragically in a house fire. The family lost their two beautiful girls and everything in their house. This really has been heavy on my heart. This family not only lost their little girls but also every possession. Having lost all their possessions, the Lillards were left with no physical reminders of Sophie and Madigan...none of the toys Madigan and Sophie played with, the clothes they wore, their hand drawn pictures and art projects, their favorite books, handmade jewelry...the list goes on and on. The Lillards were struck by the harsh reminder of how important memories are, especially those memories that a family creates together.

Her parents want to honor the lives of Sophie and Madigan Lillard by building a memorial playground and providing opportunities for children and their families to play, learn, and create lifelong memories together, and in ways that reflect the beautiful personalities and spirits of these two sisters.

If you could help contribute to this cause I would greatly appreciate it. Even from as little as $5. Every dollar counts. Just click on the link below. Please don't feel pressured to donate though, prayers are important also.


I hope you all have a wonderful christmas and new years and pray that next year brings you all many blessings. For all you yanks.....I'll be seeing you very soon. I am so looking forward to moving home. So if you are ever in Denver let me know. I will post photos of Jess and I competing in the half marathon! There will be tutu's and all.

The mission of Sophie and Madigan's Playground is to honor the lives of Sophie and Madigan Lillard by building a memorial playground and providing opportunities for children and their families to play, learn, and create lifelong memories together, and in ways that reflect the beautiful personalities and spirits of these two sisters.

My Sponsors
"Keep up the good work"
1/2/2015 - $25.00

"Immanuel! "
12/30/2014 - $120.00

Gary Geesee
12/9/2014 - $250.00

Sam Bonanno
"Fantastic Rachelle, Kindest Regards, Sam "
12/9/2014 - $150.00

"So proud of all you do for others"
12/9/2014 - $100.00

"luv ur guts"
12/8/2014 - $30.00